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Yoga Sūtras – Power & Freedom
Explore the teachings of the 3rd and 4th chapters of Patañjali’s seminal work. These last two chapters are more cryptic and difficult to unravel. Through chanting and succinct practical overviews of key concepts, you will learn the most important messages of the chapters that cover yogic accomplishments and freedom.

Course objectives:
The 3rd chapter of Patañjali’s yoga sutras continues with the last three limbs of Aṣtāṅga – Dhāraṇa, Dhyāna & Samādhi, also referred to as antaraṅga or internal limbs. These practices not only culminate in Samādhi but all the mysteries of the yogic life are unraveled and the powers or Siddhis are acquired. This is an important lesson for the aspiring yogī who should avoid confusing these superpowers with the main accomplishments in yoga. Through succinct 5 lessons of this course you will:
- Understand why we study the 3rd chapter.
- Establish your understanding that siddhis are merely a side-effect.
- Learn the real siddhi to take away from this chapter.
- Learn about siddhis in the popular tradition (purāṇas) through short stories to gain a clear perspective on powers.
- Practice chanting the 55 Sūtras to become familiar with the vocabulary.
We will not go into detail about each siddhi mentioned in this chapter, instead, we will stay with what is meaningful and practical to the aspiring yogī.
In the 4th and final chapter of the Yoga Sūtras, Patañjali takes the aspiring yogī systematically through some of the theoretical concepts unpinning previous chapters. Kaivalya, quite literally means absolute aloneless or complete autonomy or Freedom. Your consciousness remaining in its own nature, always beyond time, beyond change. Through 6 lessons you will:
- Understand more deeply the theoretical background of the technique of Yoga.
- Revisit Karma, Saṃskāra & Vāsana and gain a deeper perspective.
- Study the mechanics of Citta
- Learn the steps leading to the final Freedom
- Understand logically what “guṇas return to their origin” means!
- Practice chanting the 34 Sūtras of this chapter
There are audio lessons (for chanting), video explanations (key concepts) along with textual summaries, charts & tables (can be downloaded) to facilitate understanding.
Course Curriculum
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Download text for chanting
Chanting Sūtras 3.1-3.11 (with group class)
Dhāraṇa Dhāyna Samādhi – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 3.12-3.22 (with group class)
Pariṇāma – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 3.23-3.36
Siddhi-s – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 3.33-3.43
Siddhi-s continued – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 3.46-3.55
Siddhi -s – final accomplishment
Download text – Kaivalya pādaḥ
Chanting Sūtras 4.1-4.10
Kaivalya intro – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 4.5-4.14
Background to Karma – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 4.10-4.20
Karma – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 4.15-4.23
Karma revisit & workings of citta
Chanting Sūtras 4.24 – 4.31
Kaivalya – video explanation
Chanting Sūtras 4.27 – 4.36
Kaivalya – wrap up! (video)
Some study resources
Post your questions here!
Quiz & Assignment instructions
Quiz – 20 questions
Short answer assignment -1
Short answer assignment – 2
Upload your recording!
Your Yoga Sutras (power & freedom) course includes
5 Step-By-Step Lessons on Vibhūti Pāda
Learn the most important messages of the 3rd chapter.
5 STEP by STEP lessons on Kaivalya Pāda
Learn the most important messages of the 4th and final chapter of the Yoga Sūtras.
Learn to chant the 3rd & 4th chapters
Chanting helps you create a meditative mind for the study. You also learn the key words and become familiar with the vocabulary in an efficient way.
Frequently asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This is self paced learning course of 11 weeks duration, if you study one lesson a week. You are free to take longer or complete the course sooner depending on your pace of study. For sustained learning, we recommend no more than one lesson a week, allowing time for contemplation.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have lifetime access to this course.
Can I have face to face interaction with Instructor
No, this is an online self paced course with audio, video and textual resources. However, you are free to contact the instructor via our direct messaging system from the member’s area or post your questions in the discussion area of the course.
Does this course have any certificates?
Yes, on successful completion of the quiz, 2 short answer written assignments & uploading one audio recording of your recitation of 4 Sūtras from this course, you will receive a certificate of participation. All assignment details are in the course, in the assignment section.
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