We love writing about the Vedas & chanting!
I sometimes post things I don't teach - stotrams, kavacams etc 🙂The final pilgrimage – on death & beyond
My father’s life experiences were often woven into the teachings at Veda Studies, serving as examples that enriched our understanding and practice. As we now reflect on his final journey and the sacred ceremonies that marked his passage, I hope that sharing this account will offer the same depth of insight to our community that his life so generously provided. May his final pilgrimage be as instructive and inspiring as the life he led.
Invoking Divine Blessings: The Power of Mantras to Guru, Lord Gaṇapati, and Goddess Sarasvatī
Chanting invocation mantras is a deeply rooted practice in India's spiritual traditions, especially at the commencement of any sacred activity. The book Nitya Dhyāna beautifully presents the first invocation mantras dedicated to the Guru, Lord Gaṇapati, and Goddess...
Living Spirituality — With Sucheta Kadethankar
Sucheta Kadethankar quit her corporate job to pursue adventure and study Veda recitation, realising that spiritual life can be applied to everyday life, too.
Janmāṣṭamī 2024 – a practice for our community
Janmāṣṭamī, the festival marking the birth of Lord Kṛṣṇa, is celebrated with great enthusiasm and devotion across the world. Falling on śrāvaṇa kṛṣṇa aṣṭamī, this auspicious day commemorates the divine appearance of Kṛṣṇa, a central figure in Hinduism, known for his teachings in the Bhagavad Gīta and his divine pastimes described in the Bhāgavatam.
The end of an era – some personal news
My father, ex-Indian Air Force Officer, special advisor to Veda Studies, legend of a dad, grandfather to a big flock and my biggest cheerleader, left his body today…
Rudra Krama Pāṭhaḥ – What is it?
Krama Pāṭhaḥ is a crucial method for preserving the Vedas through precise and controlled chanting.
Finding Faith with Ellen Miles
Ellen Miles has found a lifetime’s worth of learning in Veda and loves how Indic spirituality has transformed and nurtured her understanding of faith and divinity.
Gurupūrṇimā 2024 – Dakṣiṇāmūrti mūla mantra
Today (Sunday 21 July), we celebrate Gurupūrṇimā to honour teachers and the source of teaching on this day. It is perhaps the most important day in the year for all Indic knowledge systems based practitioners. We honour the entire teaching "parampara" - the tradition...
A Fine Balance of Science and Faith – with Marie Meera Karanath
Marie Meera Karanath grew up in an atheist country with no religion, but she found faith and the divine in Veda rituals and recitation.
With Love, Always – Jens & Sophia
Jens Keygnaert and Sophia Gomis have spent a lifetime together after meeting in a yoga class. They both walk the spiritual path and study Veda together, realising with each mantra that the divine cannot be achieved without love.
Recitation, Concentration, Meditation – with Lucia Vimercati
Lucia Vimercati found the one-pointed focus she was seeking for her mind when she started practising Veda recitation. She shares how the practice is both recitation and sound but simultaneously a form of silence.
Healing is an Act of Faith – with Ivy Ingram
Ayurveda Practitioner and Yoga Teacher Ivy Ingram is training to be a Veda recitation teacher so she can pass on the tradition and the benefits of this practice to her students…
Rhythm and Poetry – with Peggy Leviton
Peggy Leviton loves the challenge of studying Veda’s phonetics, metre, and melody, which have rules like Western music but are still so different from any music or sound she’s ever heard.
The Power of Spiritual Healing – with Martha Moore Benson
Martha Moore Benson is a lawyer, herbalist, yoga teacher and Ayurveda practitioner, but her primary focus shifted to Veda recitation when she heard authentic Veda mantras and experienced love at first sound.
Veda Studies – Behind the scenes with Edgar Hütte
Edgar Hütte tells Sophie French about what goes on behind the teaching at Veda Studies, how the students’ donations help support various causes and why we should all be thrilled about the new Veda Studies website and teaching platform.
A Discovery of Bhārata
Practising Yoga and Veda recitation enabled UAE-Based Lavita Dhar to reconnect to her Indian roots and find stillness in India’s chaos.
The Transcendental Qualities of Sanskrit
Jenny Tumas and Jenna Love are both yoga, Sanskrit and Veda recitation teachers, they’re both graduates of the Veda Studies’ first TTC, and they’ve both inspired Veda Studies’ Sophie French to learn how to read and write Devanāgarī.
The Mysticism of Sound
Merike Taza tells Veda Studies’ Sophie French how the ancient runo songs of Estonia share mystic similarities with ancient India’s Veda, and that’s not the only thing the two countries have in common.