We love writing about the Vedas & chanting!

I sometimes post things I don't teach - stotrams, kavacams etc 🙂
My mother’s guru ❤️

My mother’s guru ❤️

Early this morning (02 Nov 2023), my mother's guru, Māta Ananthalakshmi Natarajan passed away and on to the lotus feet of her beloved Bhagavān Lord Rāma. She was a brilliant Sanskrit scholar and dedicated her entire life to the dissemination of Sanskrit and scriptural...

Śaṅkara – the universal teacher

Śaṅkara – the universal teacher

श्रुति स्मृति पुराणानामालयं करुणालयम् ।नमामि भगवत्पाद शङ्करं लोक शङ्करम् ॥ śrutismṛtipurāṇānāṃ ālayaṃ karuṇālayam |namāmi bhagavatpādaṃ śaṅkaraṃ lokaśaṅkaram || शङ्करं शङ्कराचार्यं केशवं बादरायणम् |सूत्रभाष्यकृतौ वन्दे भगवन्तौ पुनः पुनः || śaṅkaraṃ śaṅkarācāryaṃ...

Hanumān stuti – a meditation

Hanumān stuti – a meditation

Hanumān Jayanti – appearance day of the son of Vāyu, also known as Āñjaneya, is celebrated on two different days in the year. Once in the month of Caitra – April 5 this year, and then again in December in the region I come from – Karnataka! I’m told that one is a “birthday” while the other is a “victory” day. Either way, more reasons to meditate on Hanumān is always a good thing!

Growing our team ❤️

Growing our team ❤️

We are exited to welcome Poornima, Silke and Marina to our little Veda Studies family. We have much to celebrate! It is our one year Gāyatrī anniversary – for the last year, a group of us have been meeting each week to practice our Gāyatrī upāsana – a meditative practice that includes making a Saṅkalpa (a determination), prāṇāyāma using the Gāyatrī mantra for count, Gāyatrī japa and contemplation in a seated posture (āsana).

Path to becoming a chanting teacher

Path to becoming a chanting teacher

In collaboration with INDICA, we have been running a Chanting teacher training program, the first of which will soon be coming to an end. We will announce the next program starting January 2024. Learning to teach mantras from both the Veda as well as the daily prayer...

Nārāyaṇa – The Source of Happiness

Nārāyaṇa – The Source of Happiness

Author: Poornima Mysore for Veda Studies Who is Nārāyana?   In the Veda, Nārāyana is a name given to the creator of the universe, one of many such names given to the highest universal energy in scripture. Nārāyana is all pervading and is everything that can be...

Navarātri chanting – Tryaṅgam

Navarātri chanting – Tryaṅgam

The chanting of the Devī Mahātyam requires preparation and rigorous training not only on chanting quality but also on the protocols to be followed before, during & after chanting. These three chants referred to as the Tryañgam are required to be recited before Devi Mahātmyam pārāyaṇa.

How do the Vedas help me with Yoga?

How do the Vedas help me with Yoga?

How do the Vedas help my Yoga practice? Often when we think of the Vedas, we visualize ancient Indian people sitting around a fire, performing mystical rituals with little connection to what we know and learn as Yoga. Why are these texts the source of Yoga? What is in...

Rules for Veda Recitation

Rules for Veda Recitation

The Taittīrīya Upaniṣat's Sīkṣāvalli lists the responsibilities of students in their life long journey of discovering the Self. In the very beginning, students are encouraged to master the Vedic phonetics by adhering to strict rules of varṇa, svara, mātra, balam, sāma...

Benefits of Online Veda Recitation

Benefits of Online Veda Recitation

This is such an ancient oral tradition, how can I study this online? Isn't it too difficult? Do I need to know Sanskrit? Shouldn't I be face to face with a teacher to study? How can I assess how I'm doing? These are some real questions and concerns. Online study of...

Developing a daily Mantra practice

Developing a daily Mantra practice

There are over 20,226 mantras in the Saṃhita portion of the Veda alone. Then there are all those mantras not in the Vedas and also important. How do we get started developing a daily practice of Mantra and where do we begin?One way to start is to really think about...